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Our Rooms

Baby Room

Ah! The baby room! What a wonderful place to settle into crèche life! All of our Baby Rooms are full of bright colours and plenty of open spaces for your child to explore his new world when he gets mobile.

As most babies are 12 months old when they start with us, we have created a warm and comfortable environment for them. We are acutely aware of the importance of replicating your child’s familiar routine and work very closely with all of our parents to ensure a seamless transition for your baby.

From the Baby Room your child in our care move into the Tweenie Room. This room helps the child to find his feet in a safe environment. All the children are encouraged to interact with each other and learn to share.

Tweenie Room

The Tweenie Room is the next step for your child in our care.

The Tweenie Room is the most important room for the social development of your child. It is at this stage that child begins to develop social awareness and learn to interact with his new friends.

Once your child moves into this room we introduce him to The Nest routine and ask parents to work with us while adjusting. This routine is very gentle and we work on expanding concentration times and learn about sharing with others our own age.

The Tweenies are a most curious age group with a love of all things new! Our carers take the time to explain to the child about the world around him.

As you can imagine conversations in this room are great fun but we believe child should be seen, heard and believed at all ages!

From the Tweenie Room your child moves into the Pre-Montessori Room.

Pre-Montessori Room

The Pre-Montessori Room is a gentle introduction to Montessori education where child can begin the fun of learning. Class work is structured so that the children spend time interacting with each other and getting an education.

Children begin to prepare for school at this age. Class takes place between 9.30 and 11.30 am. We all sit down together and do various fun activities to expand our concentration periods and enjoy learning new games and songs together.

Our ethos at The Nest has always been the Montessori method and we believe the child is never too young to begin his education!

The Pre-Montessori room has lots of great games for your child to play, both on his own and in a group. We encourage the child to decide himself what he would like to use.

At this stage we also introduce your child to Montessori’s practical life material. This involves teaching the child to care for himself, his friends and the environment around him while increasing his concentration span and starting his love of learning.

Montessori Room

Maria Montessori saw the potential of each child and developed her material to help them to grow.

We started as a Montessori class and it remains the strong roots of our ethos We believe that the Montessori Method of teaching children is second to none. Children are encouraged to be themselves and respect others for their own individuality.

The Montessori curriculum is always up-to-date and dynamic because observation and the meeting of needs is continual and specific for each child. When physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs are met children glow with excitement and a drive to play and work with enthusiasm, to learn, and to create. They exhibit a desire to teach, help, and care for others and for their environment.

The Montessori method teaches children through Practical Life, Sensorial, Maths, Language and Culture.

Enrol your child at The Nest Creche & Montessori School near you